November After Business Mini Trade Show 2022 Mortgage Suite
Date and Time
Wednesday Nov 23, 2022
4:30 PM - 7:00 PM EST
Chamber Members
$20 + HST
Chamber Future Members
$30 + HST
Chamber Member Exhibitor
$175 + HST
Chamber Future Member Exhibitor
$225 + HST
LIMITED to 6 Exhibitors
Contact Information
Jenny Reaume
Send Email
Networking event with exhibitors. Limited exhibitor spaces available!
Generously hosted by Mortgage Suite!
Lets switch it up and get into our local businesses. Join us on November 23 at Mortgage Suite's newly renovated offices. Network with Essex County business professionals while visiting our exhibitors, enjoying complimentary appetizers, two complimentary drink tickets, and door prizes. Be one of the first 50 guests to register and receive a Mortgage Suite swag bag!
Please note: The Mortgage Suite offices are located on the main and 2nd floors accessible by stairs (no elevator). Networking, food and beverages will be upstairs; trade show exhibitors will be on main floor. Don't miss this opportunity get into our local businesses and network!