Federal Election Debates 2019
Date and Time
Tuesday Oct 1, 2019
11:00 AM - 1:30 PM EDT
11:00 am Doors Open - Networking
11:15 am - 11:45 am Lunch
12:00 pm - 2:00 pm Essex Riding Debate, Windsor-Tecumseh Riding Debate, Windsor West Riding Debate
General Admission $35.00 + HST
Tables of 8 and 10 available. Assigned Seating.
Contact Information
Barbara Malmberg
Send Email
Three Ridings, Twelve Candidates, Three Debates on issues that affect your business.
This must attend federal election debate will include the candidates from Essex, Windsor Tecumseh and Windsor West. Each riding will be assigned a 40 minute debate with six questions. Candidates will be from those parties that have official party status in the House of Commons: CPC, Liberals, NDP and Green Party.
Many thanks to our members who participated in the debate survey. Your answers will contribute to the debate topics.